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Point Washington Incised Pottery

Point Washington Incised Pottery

30-1 4097 FS#: Point Washington Incised, var. Chambliss  
30-2 75-56-04, 75-56-03 FS#: Point Washington Incised, var. Point Washington/Nunnally  


Aboriginal Pottery

Since it was first published in The Florida Anthropologist in 1985 (Vol. 38, No. 3), John F. Scarry's Fort Walton Ceramic Typology has been used by archaeologists at Mission San Luis. Illustrations of the full range of types are included on the following pages by permission of the author. In addition to the types described by Scarry, two other useful classifications are used at Mission San Luis:

Lamar Complicated Stamped, var. Rectilinear: Includes any Lamar Complicated Stamped sherd with a rectilinear design that cannot be confidently assigned to either of the rectilinear varieties Curlee or Jefferson.

Lamar Complicated Stamped, var. Curvilinear: Includes any Lamar Complicated Stamped sherd with a curvilinear design that cannot be confidently assigned to either of the curvilinear varieties Bull Creek or Early.

Since the time Scarry's type-variety system was published, a number of other useful references have become available. Some of the ones we recommend and find most useful are listed in the selected reading section.

Suggested Readings

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